This is an interesting topic to find on Wikipedia. Apparently I’m living in the “Jello Belt”. It’s funny though because it does bring back memories of eating my grandma’s green jell-o with shredded carrots in it… very interesting combination. I exhort all to try it at least once.
Month: May 2006
Waging War
As I was reading Numbers chapter 31 this morning, I was thinking about the first two verses where it was the Lord who commanded them to “Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites.”
I tried to picture this in our day. Would God ever command a people to go to war today? Certainly the Lord has made it clear that there are instances where war may be justified.
Now we all know there is a war going on today. President Bush has declared war on terrorists. Would God have us as a nation avenge ourselves of the deaths that occurred on September 11th, 2001? Would God not have us seek out and destroy those whose desire is to destroy us as a nation? Images of Captain Moroni come to mind. Images of the Lamanites seeking out the Gandianton robbers come to mind.
What are your thoughts?