Stories of the Prophet Joseph Smith never cease to amaze me. The following was taken from pp 26-27 of How To Pray and Stay Awake
One of the best known incidents in church history is when the Prophet Joseph Smith healed the impoverished and dying Saints in the swamps of Nauvoo. Have you ever wondered why the elders had not begun administering to the sick before conditions had become so acute? The truth of the matter is that the elders had not waited. In fact, elders, seventies, and high priests had been administering to the ill for days, time and time again, but all in vain. Parley P. Pratt tells us that after the prophet had healed those on both sides of the river, he was surrounded by many of the brethren, most of whom had just been made well by the power of Christ. To this group, which included some of the Quorum of Twelve, the youthful prophet made this statement:
It is time that such things ended. Let the Elders either obtain the power of God to heal or let them cease to minister the forms without the power!(Life and travels of Parley P. Pratt p. 294)
It makes me wonder how many times I’ve “ministered the forms without the power”.
[tags]Joseph Smith, Parley P. Pratt, LDS, healing, sick, priesthood[/tags]