Dave Ramsey – TMMO Live Discount

See Dave Live

For those who haven’t heard, Dave Ramsey is coming to Salt Lake City!

On May 17, 2008 Dave will be doing his Total Money Makeover live event. I’ve already purchased VIP tickets for my wife and I. We started on his plan about two years ago. I wrote down all our debts and figured we owed nearly $42,000 – not including our house. It was much worse than that just a few months earlier. I was looking for anything. That’s when a friend told me about the Financial Peace University course he attended. He let me borrow his CDs and I was hooked. It is doctrine the church has been teaching all along, but with more enthusiasm and hope! I learned how to budget the right way, how to communicate with my Spouse about money, investing 101, and most importantly the “baby steps”. We are now about 2 months away from paying off all our debts except for our home mortgage.

If you want to attend this event, I can help you save $10 per ticket. Just go to www.DaveRamsey.com and click “See Dave Live”. Click Salt Lake City, UT, then select the Total Money Makeover Live Event. Use the promotion code “taylorsville” when you check out to save $10 per ticket!

Do it now. This is Dave’s first time in Salt Lake City and I think this event may sell out soon.

If you want to hear Dave’s radio show, tune to AM 570 KNRS weeknights from 7pm – 10pm. Or you can download his radio show as a podcast (find him on iTunes).

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Latter-day Blogger

2 thoughts on “Dave Ramsey – TMMO Live Discount”

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  2. I love Dave Ramsey. After my husband and I went through a bankruptcy at the young age of 25, D. Ramsey’s course and budget training helped us to get back on track and eliminate the possibility of it every happening again. I would encourage everyone to go through his Money Makeover Course for sure!

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