Among the miracles he talked about was raising someone from the dead. He prefaced the two stories he shared with:
The miracle of raising someone from the dead is so exceptional and so sacred that those who have been privileged to see it should never speak of it publicly unless the Spirit specifically induces them to do so. Our published literature contains two such examples I can share.
The second story he shared was that of Iohani Wolfram raising his daughter from death. I found an excerpt of Brother Wolfgramm’s journal posted by Scott Thomas.
Raising His Daughter From the Dead – From Iohani Wolfgramm’s Journal
I was finishing up the monthly reports for the Fo’oi Branch when the Spirit told me to stop and look out the window, but I was too busy. The second time the Spirit spoke to me, he said, “Iohani, stop now and look out the window.” Still I went on working. The third time I felt like someone was pushing me off the chair and told me to stop and look out the window. I was surprised to see a group of people hovering over something in the road and rushed out to find my family in trouble.
Many people, all at once, were trying to tell me what had happened. I could only see the body of my little girl Tisina with her head crushed and lifeless body laying in the street. My wife Salote had crossed the street to go to the home of Lolo and Mataele about 2:30 in the afternoon after sacrament meeting. Malina, Ana, Sale and Tisina were told to wait until the road was clear to cross. They couldn’t figure out how Tisina came loose from Malina’s hand and tried to run after her mother, but she ran into the road and was hit by a car. The driver was unaware that he had hit Tisina and that her lifeless body was laying in the road. The next car was full of American soldiers who had just returned from a sight seeing tour of the Village of Ha’Atafu and stopped immediately to help. Malina was the first one to try to pick Tisina’s body off the street. Sale ran to hold her little head up but was too scared. Ana ran over and started to lift Tisina’s body and saw the blood coming out through her mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. She was so frightened she dropped her and ran off. Salote came running and saw the blood on her face. She fainted by the roadway. Friends and neighbors came with a bucket of cold water to pour over Salote’s face, then she finally came out of it.
My missionary companion, Samuela Vehikite, brought a mat to carry Tisina’s body inside their house. A van arrived with American soldiers and offered to take Tisina back to the army hospital at Houma where an American doctor could see what could be done for the child. I agreed, so they put Tisina inside their truck and started for Houma, about a mile away. Though shocked, I finally got my composure and ran after the truck and said, Please stop, please! …I just changed my mind. I forgot something very important to do for my daughter right now.
In my mind, I had forgotten to give Tisina a priesthood blessing. I asked the soldiers if they would please back up their truck and bring Tisina into the home right away. At this time, other churches had just barely let their members out from church. Sekona, a Samoan, call out and said, “Iohani, don’t try to act like God, but send your daughter to the hospital and see if a doctor can help her.” Many were afraid and some were very upset with me, but I understood something that non-members did not.
I called Samuela Vehikite to assist me by anointing the consecrated oil on Tisina’s head and as I began to utter the prayer, I couldn’t say a word. My mouth was locked. My mind was blank. No words would come. But in a few minutes the Spirit spoke to me in my mind that there were so many unbelievers in and out of the house that had no faith that Tisina would ever recover from her accident, that I should send the people home.
I immediately opened my eyes and asked the people if they wanted Tisina to come back to life to please leave my home now so we can pray for her. Oh my! Non-members were furious and started to spit at me. Some picked up rocks and started throwing them at the house as they were leaving, calling me names. I knew the American doctor might help Tisina walk again, but how about her brain? I knew that only God who created her, who gave her life, would be the only one who could help Tisina completely recover and bring her memory back to normal again.
I asked Salote to go ahead and fix supper for the family, but I would go and pray for Tisina. I prayed and prayed and thanked the Lord for all His blessings to us, for sending us on a mission, but how I wouldn’t like to part with any of my children yet because we have no white material for her burial nor funeral cloth in Tongatapu, but in Vava’u we did. I reminded the Lord of how He saved the Israelites by parting the waters of the Red Sea, how Christ raised people from the dead, and of the simple faith of a missionary who just had his daughter run over by a car and had been killed, you can understand of my love for her. I reviewed how Lazarus was raised after being in the tomb for four days, through faith and the power of the priesthood. I prayed and thanked the Lord for those great prophets of old and their faith and special callings in the church from Adam down to the prophet Joseph Smith. I said, “I don’t want a funeral away from all my family, and if this little girl has a special mission on earth to do, please spare her life so she can fulfill that blessing and her mission.” I was on my knees over four hours that evening. Finally the Lord heard my prayer and said to me, “Tisina won’t be with you tonight, but tomorrow.” A humble and very sweet warm feeling came over my heart and a great worry and fear was lifted from my shoulders that evening. I thanked God for the answer that I received.
I opened my eyes slowly, filled with deep gratitude and tears of joy. I went over to Salote and said, “Not tonight, but tomorrow.” Salote and the children didn’t touch any food that evening. Everyone was shocked and felt so bad about Tisina.
Samuela Vehikite and I waited and waited all night long and about 3:00am, we felt the Spirit fill our souls and knew that this was finally the right time for us to give Tisina her priesthood blessing. Samuela Vehikite anointed her and I sealed the blessing, I thanked the Lord and expressed his love to me in answering my prayers and said, “Tisina, by the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood which we hold, we ask Thee, our Heavenly Father, to bless Tisina from the top of her head all the way down to her toes, that every bone, muscle, nerve, blood vessel, skin, nails, hair or any part of her body that has been broken, lost or damaged, through the power of the priesthood which we hold, we command it to return to its normal place and start to function and to do their work, that she will be able to stand and her body will be returned and renewed with all its parts and start to function as they were before. We promise you through the holy power of the priesthood that when the sun rises in the morning, you will be raised up together with the sun. And when other witnesses hear this testimony of Tisina, they will also testify that Jesus is the Christ and through Him the Lord healed Tisina. Not tonight, but tomorrow, Tisina will walk with the rest of the family as the Spirits whispers.”
After the blessing everyone knelt down before they went to bed and in a circle offered a prayer, then we retired. I came into the room where Tisina still had her face covered with the cloth. She was still dead. I picked her up and laid her little broken head on my arm and kept her body close to me. Hours seemed to pass. I finally dozed off and on for about two more hours and about 6:00 a.m. I felt someone playing around my face and touching my hair. I slowly opened my eyes and to my surprise saw Tisina standing up playing with my face and hair with a big smile on her face.
I slowly reached out to feel Tisina’s head. It was normal. I started to feel her hands, legs, face, everything that had been promised had come true. Samela Vehikite remembered that in her priesthood blessing that when the sun rose up in the morning she would rise up together with the sun. So he opened the window shades and sure enough, the sun had just barely risen in the sky. How excited we were to have our little daughter back with us again. We sang a special hymn to thank God for her return and said a long prayer of thanksgiving by me. A few minutes later a knock came to our door. Our Aunt Marie and Uncle Maile Niu, brought Tisina’s burial clothing and her burial box and asked where the dead child was. I said she was the one that answered the door.
Vision, Recorded on Tape for His Family
Iohani’s Tape from the Mission field
From Iohani Wolfgramm: Man of Faith and Vision, pp. 113-121
Compiled by: Tisina Wolfgramm Gerber
December 1980
This is Iohani speaking on the tape. First I would like to express my love to my heavenly father for all my many blessings. We are in good health and want to send you all our love. Thank you for the letters, tapes, money, etc. that you share with us.
It worries me to hear from your letters and tapes of the problems that some of you are going through right now. The family has missed us, but we want to let you know that everything is fine and we are doing great and from your letters it sounds like everyone is worrying about me for I have been sick lately. The Lord has blessed me according to my faith and many prayers. And through those prayers and faith the Lord has given me good health, especially the fasting that some of you have done for me and the Lord was very pleased that you have given your time to pray and fast in my behalf.
Salote and I received a missionary call from the prophet Spencer W. Kimball in June 1980 to go on a mission to Old Mexico City. We went to our stake president for an interview and he had lined up someone who could help us learn the Spanish language. The first thing he asked us was, “Can you say Ola?” and we said “Ola” fast. The next word we could not pronounce. Then the telephone rang.
President White of the Wilford Stake, answered the phone and it was President Kimball. He asked if the Wolfgramm’s were there to let them know that their mission had been changed and they were to serve in the Tongan mission. They were so excited and thanked the president, were set apart, and then came home. The next morning Salote had a beautiful crocheted bed cover she had made and wanted to give it to the prophet. So they contacted Rose Calder, a sister of Sister Camilla Kimball, to know how to reach the prophet to deliver the gift. She made arrangements for us to go to the prophet’s home. They called security and we got cleared to go in. As we came closer to his home it was a big surprise to find the Prophet outside with his arms open to welcome us. He had tears in his eyes and gave me a big hug and told me how he loved me, and then Salote, then Tisina and Leilani who accompanied us. And again he told us, do you know how much we love you? We went inside and met his wife. He said he really loved the Polynesian people. You know our Father in Heaven loves you too and saying to his wife, “I want you to meet my good friends from Tonga.”
Pres. Kimball went on to say that I should take with me my genealogy to Tonga and teach even the Royal family, and bring the Scale of Time to show them how short the time is for them to go to the temple and redeem their dead. Before we left the prophet told us that two days after arriving in Tonga I would be visited by Christ and he would let me know of my mission to the Tongan people.
We went to Provo for missionary training and eventually arrived in Tonga. In the training center we were very popular and every time there was a break missionaries came into our room and wanted to hear more and more of what I had to say.
But today I want to let all my family know what happened to me. From here I will explain to you why I was sick, but in reality I was not sick. Rather it was the vision that I saw with my eyes that caused me to feel like that. It was during the night that I saw the vision before I retired to bed.
There were two personages that stood inside our living room. Their feet did touch the ground and I didn’t know where they came from. They said to me, “Stand up, we have come to take you with us and would like you to see the dwelling place of the Lord.” I took a deep breath and we were on our way. We went on a very speedy trip. I was frightened and thought they were going to destroy my life. As we traveled we passed many planets and other celestial bodies. I asked them where they were taking me, and they told me to where the Lord resides.
I was taken to a place unknown to me. I didn’t understand where we were. In a short time I heard the thunder and saw lightning and rain. It looked like we were facing the west as the sun went down-then it was all dark. At that time it seemed to me like 8:00 p.m. but it was after midnight when I was getting ready to retire. We saw the light, though it was raining and saw the lightning hit and then saw another lightning hit, and one of the men said, “See, in a few moments you will see a vision from the heavens and the appearance of Christ in his glory.” Everything was so light and beautiful and shining. While I was standing there I felt the rain, the lightning hit me and the darkness disappeared and everything was light. That light never disappeared. Then I saw the rainbow and the rainbow encircled the light and there was no end of the brightness-brighter than noonday sun.
Then the voice spoke to me and asked if I understood about the rainbow. I said, “Yes, that was the covenant that was made between Noah and Father in Heaven that he would never again destroy the earth by water.”
Then the voice said, “Iohani, have you repented enough?” Then the voice spoke of this world, “Have all mankind repented enough? Indeed it is true, I will not destroy this earth again by water, but I will destroy it with fire if they will not come unto me.” Then I saw the light circle around the rainbow. He told me to look and see what was written. What I saw was:
written in gold. Again the voice spoke to me, “See.” The writing was full of lights and very brilliant. I heard a voice speaking from that light saying, “Iohani, go and call repentance unto your people. Call them to repent and to repent and to repent. Go and call everyone that lives on these islands to repent and repent and repent. The time is so short that they must repent and repent and repent. Let the people know that you will meet in this life know that the time is so short that they must repent and come unto Christ. You must go and call repentant unto your people in Tonga, including the royal house of Taufa’ahau Tupou IV, Mata’aho and the Crown Prince Tupou To’a. The Lord told me that a few months after Salote and I touch the American soil, a destruction will come to Tonga-not to destroy them completely, but as a warning to let them know that he, Jesus Christ, rules on earth and in the heavens. I was sent to Tonga by God so I could be an instrument or a mouthpiece for him so I could cry repentance unto my people and if they hardened their hearts to the words of God, and repented not of their iniquities, a tidal wave would come to their beaches and it would cause damage to their crops and plantations. Some of their homes, power lines, and trees, would be uprooted. Floods would come to some places. Rocks and coral would be tossed like feathers in the air. But this problem will only come if they fail to hearken to voice of his servants and repent not. I was filled with the Spirit of the Lord and I started my mission where Christ told me to begin at Ha’atafu in the western district, then all the way up to Niutoua in the eastern district. “In my anger I will send destruction to them because they have not listened to my servants nor repented of their iniquities. Because they will not listen to my voice, they will destroyed and no one will be left.” In his loud voice Christ spoke and said to me that I must go and teach them, to speak to them with kindness but not hurt them and for them to repent.. No one will live when I send my destruction upon the islands of the sea, even those who are not members of the Church that have not listened to my servants will be destroyed. Christ spoke to me and used the word repentance 16 times.
This was shown to me at the very first part of our mission. After He spoke to me the light disappeared, and I stood there alone. I was confused, not knowing what was going on, and again wondering where this light came from. From where He was speaking to me it was about 30 or 40 feet away. Again the light came back only about 2 minutes after it disappeared, and again I heard the voice speaking to me. This second time it was louder. Christ stood behind me cupping my ear and spoke to me, “Go and speak to the people and tell them I am Jesus Christ-and have sent you to those who live on this island and those you meet in your daily work. Call them quickly to repent because I am coming soon to destroy this world and no one will be left behind-they will all be destroyed.” Also, for the third time he again spoke the same thing to me. “Go to them and call them to repentance. I am coming to this world to destroy it if they do not repent and repent and repent and wait no more, for I will come to punish them-those that will not keep my word nor abide by the scriptures.”
“You must speak even to those missionaries you are serving with-that are working daily with you-call them to repentance also. I am Jesus Christ, who called for you to call them to repentance. Command the missionaries not to be ashamed or fear but to preach repentance also. Most of them will hate you and won’t believe what you say to them, but you must let them know that they must repent or they will be destroyed.”
He urged me to go and speak to the missionaries, not tomorrow, but right now.” Then the light disappeared again. At that moment I still stood there. Then the lightening came again and hit me right under my feet and started to work its way up through all my body like a ball of fire starting from my feet. I could see myself standing and the power that came from that light was like an electric shock. It first affected my flesh and entered my bones. I immediately felt the pain in my whole body with that power inside. I looked at my hands and my whole body was illuminated. I felt that I was going to faint-with the heat and the strong power. Even my eyes. I was like the sun standing there. My body was changed.
I almost fell to the ground, but the angels held me up and said, “Iohani, you have the same power with which the Lord created the whole earth with and same power will stand firm for you when you meet the Savior. The Lord called me from the side, “Iohani.” I turned and Christ put his arms around me and hugged me and kissed me and told me how much He really loved me and wanted to introduce me to his father Elohim. Then He took my and introduced me to Elohim in the place where they dwell. It was more beautiful. The place was full of light and was clear like crystal and pure and holy. It was a beauty that I cannot explain, but I felt a warmth and spirit of love in that place. He kissed me and hugged me and told me, “I wish that all my children on the earth would do the same as you have been doing in giving your time, your talent, your faith and sharing your love with others.” And again he embraced me, hugged and kissed me, and Jesus did the same to me. Jesus Christ and Elohim laid their hands on my head and ordained me to my calling. After that they hugged me again.
Immediately I heard someone speak behind me with his mouth to my ear. “I tell you right now, go and speak to your people. You don’t have much time to call your people to repentance. Those who haven’t received the gospel must come unto Christ and be baptized. There will be many diseases and people will die from them and destruction will come to them. Don’t hesitate, but straight way talk to the missionaries, they must call the people to repentance also.”
Christ spoke again in my ear and said, “Iohani, look behind you and see what’s going on.” I slowly turned my head to see what was behind me. I looked at my own hands and body and it was full of electric power and I saw thousands and thousands of people behind me. The understanding that I had was that they were not members of the Church and they were full of evil-all kinds of evil, and had not yet repented. Again the voice spoke into my ear. “Iohani, turn around and continue to preach to these people. Go to these people behind you and call them to repentance. Speak to them like right now.”
When I was told to do that I obeyed the voice. I turned around, walked straight at them, and as I started to speak to them, it was like my whole body was in a flame of light. I didn’t know where I was standing, but lit it was daytime. As soon as I started to speak, the people started to fall to the ground. Some started to cover their faces. They couldn’t withstand the power that came from me. Some fell on their back on the floor, some didn’t want to look at the light and turned their heads away. When I spoke to them, it looked like the people were wilting. Some were sitting against some boards and when I spoke, they fell to the floor. Some of them fell from the wall they had been sitting on. That’s how powerful the spirit was. Again they tried to hide their faces of fall on their stomach. They were even falling from the houses. Some on their knees. The people were beginning to get frightened-you could tell by their eyes. As I was talking I told them to repent-then Christ told me to speak out louder-three times. Repent, be baptized, and come to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints so you can have eternal life. I did as I was told. Christ said, “Iohani, speak up louder.” Again for the second time I began to speak to them very loudly with all my strength. The third time Christ spoke again to me and said, “LOUDER.” Be obedient to the Lord or your life will be taken. Some didn’t have clothes, some had torn clothes, and were very frightened. I don’t know how many people were there, but many thousands.
When I was told by Christ to tell them to repent-I raised my hand and brought it down firmly and told them to repent. “Say it louder and louder,” I was instructed. I called them to repentance with all my power and the Lord was very pleased with me.”
When I was returned back to my home I wanted to wake up Salote to tell her, but the spirit said it was not the right time. I wanted her to massage my back because the pain was still in my body, my bones, my flesh, my muscles and I needed a massage. But she slept on and didn’t hear me call for help.
I crawled to the bathroom and buried myself in the cool water to get some relief, but it was no comfort. My body was on fire, especially my bones and my flesh was in pain. Again I ran the shower over my heard, but nothing helped. I said a prayer and asked it it would be alright to relate the story to my wife, but the spirit told me not now. I suffered that day and throughout the next night until morning. I couldn’t even move my hands.
Salote woke up and thought I had the flu so went after some aspirin. While Salote was out two sister missionaries walked into our missionary home to see if they could have breakfast with us. I crawled to the kitchen, cooked them a pot of rice. While they were eating Salote arrived with two Elders to administer to me. After the blessing I felt a little relief, but not much. I still had that pain and my body was so hot, and especially all the joints. I never experienced sharp pain like that my whole life. It began with my toes, all the say to the top of my head. There was no part of my body that was not in pain. I felt like I was inside a furnace of fire-the pain in my body was tremendous.
I started to get up and try to sit down, but couldn’t discover a way to relieve the pain and heat from my body. Salote went after some more aspirin. I took it but no relief. Again she went after the same Elders to administer to me again. While they were blessing me I was taken away somewhere and don’t know how long I was gone, but during that time the Savior again saw me. After I returned I was able to explain to my wife and the two sister missionaries what had happened to me.
The same day, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Why are you waiting? You need to go now because I have ordained you as my mouthpiece. Get up and go now.” Though I had almost no strength in my legs and they were very shaky, I was determined to go to Ha’atafu where I was directed to go first and take Salote with me. “You are not to turn away from what you are to say to the people. When they do not what I say, there will be tidal waves, there will be bad storms, and the water from the ocean will destroy their plantation, and will come over the beaches. It will be a testimony to them that I am Jesus Christ who have sent you, and you will be my mouthpiece to your people. I am the one who created this earth and everything therein.”
I was filled with the spirit of our Father in Heaven and no one could stop me. I could speak to the people with power and ask them to come unto Christ and repent and be baptized. I spoke to the people at Ha’atafu and as I spoke to the people I was full of the spirit and started to prophesy many things that would come to their life they didn’t change and come unto Christ. The spirit of Christ was within me that day. I felt a great love for the Savior. And the love in my heart for my Tongan people caused my heart to ache because they hardened their hearts and I bore testimony and prophesied many things that some of the old prophets had told them in the scriptures. I preached to them Joseph Smith and authority was given to him and all the keys in the last dispensation of time. He was truly a prophet of God. They must listen to the missionaries and repent and be baptized and come unto Christ and join his church, if they really want to have eternal life. If they don’t they will be destroyed.
And I did the same from Ha’atafu all the way to the next town and the next village Kanokupolu.
As I returned home in the evening a van from mission headquarters arrived to take us to a missionary meeting. When we arrived at the meeting I was very ill and they took me anyway and as I got there I fainted. They rushed me to the doctor at Vaiola Hospital thinking I had a heart attack. The severe heat had never left my body and my whole body was like a furnace of fire. The doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with me except my body was heated and they couldn’t get rid of the heat. I was told I must go back to Te’ekiu and run a cold shower on my head and body. Again the Savior came and spoke to me. I must go again on to the next town and was told not to fear for my life for I would be protected. Many people will hate you and many will call you names, but angels will protect you. At this time also, he reminded me that angels have heard the prayers of your forefathers and want their work done in the temple. For I was to include calling those people to bring their names to the temple and get their work done. Those forefathers had died before the gospel was brought to the islands. Lastly, when you preach to them they will swear at you, they will call you all kinds of names and hate you for telling them the truth, but don’t give up but continue on preaching.
The next day I almost died again. We went out again and continued on to the next village. My body was full of the spirit of our Father in Heaven. I couldn’t imagine all the words that filled my mind and my spirit-words to be used when I spoke to these people. And when I said those, I heard voices back from them saying, “You are a liar, you stop spreading lies.” I expressed to them my love and the love of our Savior to them and bore them my testimony. I felt like I was going to die again. Especially my joints and bones were killing me.
Again the missionaries arrived in their van to check up on me. They had a welfare meeting we needed to attend in Nuku’alofa. Again I fell down and passed out. They took me again to Vaiola Hospital. I couldn’t get rid of the pain. I asked my mission President Hopoate and another Elder to give me a blessing. After that they thought I had the flu, which was prevalent in Tonga at that time. I stayed in the shower all night, but didn’t get any relief. I got up very early and went to Kanokupolu and started to preach to the people. The people were mean to me again over there. We walked to Kolovai. The same treatment.
Not my words, but from the Lord that spoke in my ear. Repent. Also He says that He will punish those in His house first before He punishes others. If the destruction comes to the house of the Lord, what about your house? Are you ready to receive the Lord when he comes? Have you repented enough? What He has told me is that He will completely destroy this whole world by fire and not to be slow about repenting because it will come to your house before it goes to others. Especially to my own family at home.
I am your father speaking to you. You can come unto Christ. I am very concerned about you. Are you ready to change your life? Don’t wait any longer. The Lord won’t speak any lies to me. It is the truth. We must change our lives for the better. I’m doing this because of my love and concern for you because I want to make sure that you will be protected and hope that you’ll be obedient. The voice of warning is from Christ.
I want to thank you for all you have done for your mother and me, and share all my love with you. The only thing I worry about is if you are not prepared. I don’t want to see you die. Forgive me if I am too harsh with you, but I won’t be able to stand between you and the punishment that the Lord will mete out to those that don’t repent. You must be humble before the Lord and the Lord will put his arm around you and he will protect each and every one of you. All of you are members of the Church. I humbly ask of you to please give up the smoking, your alcohol, and attend you church meetings. Most of you are not attending your sacrament meetings. Take your families when you attend your meetings.
I fear for you life if the World War III comes. It will go on until the Savior comes. There will be no more peace upon this earth until the Savior comes. That is the Lord’s words and he said read Doctrine & Covenants 103:4.. This is not my word, but came from the Lord. As a father I know that you are not living up to the great knowledge that we have and being obedient to the commandments.
When we do not obey and live unrighteously, this is what will happen to you: 1 Peter 4:16-18. This is not my work, it is the Lord’s work. The Lord again warns us who have been baptized in the Church, that we must keep the commandments.
The Lord can pour out the destroying angel on you-it’s up to you. None of you know the time the United States will be destroyed by an atom bomb. None of us will know about the great earthquake that is to come. Some of you will be buried under the ground with it and many tidal waves, hurricanes, lots and lots of rain. There will be many disasters yet to come. The cup of the Savior will overflow with the evils of this world and he will not withhold his judgments. Compare it to the ripe grape, that is taken down and trampled under foot and good for nothing after that. In the future there will be many people fighting each other.
To the grandchildren: Why are you still living in unrighteousness, Doctrine & Covenants 41:1-7. This is the Lord speaking, if we don’t change our lives, those that have been baptized in the church and have taken Christ’s name, if we do not live as we should, your name will be taken away from the records of the church if you are not abiding. We should treat the gospel with love and understanding and respect, but here in the scriptures it says we should not share the gospel with dogs and pigs.
I’m humbly asking you girls that have left your husbands. Work your problems out. Go back to your husbands and make peace with your families. Have family home evening, study the scriptures, pray, and repent. The time comes soon that you waste your time running around, looking for safety, but you won’t find it. But those that have repented, the Lord will protect your lives.
For those that have hardened their hearts, they will be destroyed. It comes to me in my mind because for I am your father. Out here in Tonga I preach repentance to the Tongans, but imagine my children living in sin and not changing and repenting in America. My heart cries out for you. I’m here to help non-members and they listen to the voice of warning, but my own children reject the teachings of the Savior including your parents’ teachings.
In the book of Ezekiel it tells you there that when you see the wrong in your family, you should speak to them. Why am I wasting my time teaching others and neglecting my own family. Dear children, forgive me and listen to me. With all my heart and with love I beg of you that God lives and God will remove you from this earth if you do not keep all his commandments. And I ask you to all stay away from temptation and be active in the Church. Spend your time in the Church so we can have eternal life. If you don’t abide by this, you may end up [with] rats. Ezekiel 33:7. My children, I wish you could listen to my voice, with love, come unto Christ. Together I speak with Christ and especially those that have hardened your hearts and closed your ears. It’s not to frighten you but to help you and council you. I am the doorkeeper in the house of Israel and am here to speak to you. All of you living in sin must repent. I am not preaching to you thinking I am better than you. Come back to the Church. I wish you could read all the scriptures that I have mentioned to you.
Salote, read Ezekiel 18:21-22 and Doctrine & Covenants 43:17-27. Listen what the Savior says to us. How many times has the Savior given us the information and asked the missionaries and families to help them get back to the Church. Watch out and be prepared, for the Lord’s punishment. A few years from now it will begin. The Lord will pout out his wrath and you won’t be able to stand the fire.
You won’t be able to stand still because he will shake the whole earth with an earthquake. It will cause the ground to open and many towns will be swallowed up in the earth. Those that live by the ocean won’t be able to stop the tidal wave. It will fill the whole area. Where in the world can you be safe.
I’m telling you, my children, don’t harden your heart against the Lord’s work. Be humble and become active in the Church. I am very frightened what the Lord’s going to pour out upon the world. It is unbelievable what is to come, especially the fire will be like rats. The only thing that will stop you from the fear is to repent and come unto Christ. I beg of you to come and change your ways and do not fear but to be happy and live in harmony with the Lord and his teachings.
Sad days are ahead of you. Many worry. But if you are on the right hand of God you find happiness, but if you chose to be on the side of Satan, he is happy when he is able to drag you down to rats. Most of all, I urge you to pay your full tithing and fast offerings. Attend your meetings and make it a full tithing and not a part-tithing so you will be safe from the destroying fire that is to come. In observing the law of tithing you will be safe from that fire. The line of fire will be in front of you and from the back and there is no way for you to run away. Only one way is to repent. That’s what I’m trying to explain to you from the beginning. Isaiah 33:13-16.. Where are you going to be safe? Where are you going to turn? It will come to Zion, to people in Utah, and people in America. You will hear the voice of those that do not repent, screaming, “Where can we be safe?” It will come to those that do not repent. They will burn them up and take their life away. That’s what the everlasting fire is about.
When you choose Satan and his ways, then you can see the difference between the ways of Satan and Christ. There is no peace in sin and there is confusion in your life and you don’t know where you are headed. Most of you, when the war comes, where will you get your water from? The Lord has told us we must have our food storage. He has promised us that those that live and prepare themselves have no need to worry. If ye are prepared, ye need not fear. Those who come to the Rocky Mountains of Utah, the Lord has prepared also for them bread and water and the teaching of the prophet that we must prepare.
This is what the Lord told us he is going to do. He will destroy from one end to another end. All the people. If they forsake the Lord’s work, you will end up with the rest of them. Ezekiel 39:17-29. Jeremiah 25:27-34. Remember we have come to the promised land to get our blessings. Choose the way you should go-the Lord’s way or the other way. And again, I call all of you to repent.
With all my love,
Iohani Wolfgramm.